So here's the story.

I'm afraid of mediocrity. I'm afraid that if I don't do anything with my life, it'll be worth nothing. I don't need to change the world... but I need to change MY world.

In 2011, the year I turn 21, I'm setting out to achieve twenty one goals. Twenty one things that must be completed by 11:59 pm, December 31, 2011.

This is my journal.

This is the story of how I defeated mediocrity.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Screams For Second Life (The Beginning)

November 1. Two months until the beginning of Project: Me Vs. Mediocrity.

If you don't know me, my name is Adam Heap. I'm a 20 year old arts student living in Western Australia. I'm passionate about English football, love, and writing (short stories and songs). Three words to describe me would be outgoing, fun, and creative.

I'm afraid of a number of things. Small bugs scare me easily - even things like moths. Crickets, too, those things jump far too high and fast for my liking. Snakes, too. Actually, just deadly animals in general (and moths and crickets). But something that scares me far more than bugs or rampaging octopii is mediocrity.

There is nothing worse in my mind than the possibility I might never really accomplish anything. Do I have dreams like any other young adult? Of course I do. I'll detail them in a future post, because this isn't the time and place for them, but I have ambitions of doing great things. Those things, however, are to come later in life, and I want to accomplish some great things now. And that fear has motivated me to do this - Me Vs. Mediocrity.

Basically, the idea is simply to have a list of 21 things that I aim to achieve in 2011, beginning on 00:00 January 1st and finishing at 23:59 December 31st. I haven't yet decided on what those 21 things are, so that's the aim of the next two months. I'm going to set some for myself, but I want my friends and family involved as well, forcing me to achieve all 21 of them.

To record these achievements, I'm going to be doing a video diary EVERY DAY of 2011. That's 365 videos. 21 of those will be specially devoted to the days on which I achieve those goals, but the remainder will be a chronicle of what I intend to be an awesome year as I prepare for the goal days, discuss the general, boring issues of my day and discover more about myself.

To my friends and family and anyone who just happens to stumble across this blog - it would really mean a lot to me if you followed it, commented on it, assisted me in any way possible. I want people to actually be witnesses to the fact that I achieved these things, to be involved in my journey, because on my own it might get boring.

But to begin with, I need goals. Things to achieve. I'll update this fairly regularly from now until Jan 1, where there'll be a post every day. But right now, I'm hunting for some things to do. And I want the people reading this to suggest some of these things. So please, comment, suggest, provide me with inspiration. I may not do everything, depending on its feasibility, but I want 21 goals that will take effort and yield satisfaction afterwards.

So without further ado, here is the list so far, complete with the first and (so far) only addition:

1. Record a five song EP

Here goes nothing.



  1. You mad son, you mad.

    I'll think of some things for your list alright. ;)

  2. Ugh, I was going to suggest recording an EP! How dare you steal my only suggestion! But yes, I will think of something. Have you checked out 43 Things and Day Zero for ideas?

  3. I have not! But I may do so shortly :)

  4. Donate blood (and if that's not enough, donate blood EVERY TWELVE WEEKS).

  5. Claire here.

    Oh man, this looks like it could be amazing, and I firmly believe that there is no finer goal than overcoming mediocrity.

    You already mentioned you liked writing stories, maybe writing a novella or something could be a goal?

    Maybe participate in some kinda charity event, since, although I stand by my previous assertion that defeating mediocrity is the best possible goal, helping people in need also comes pretty close.

    Throw some kind of epic theme party?

    Build something? Sculpture/backyard display/toy/etc.

    Send an entire day pretending to be some kind of eccentric character?

    Start learning a new language?

    Cook a three-course meal?

    Have a 24 hour tournament of a game of your choice?

    I'll come back if I have any other ideas...

  6. i personally love mediocrity, feels good man

  7. This sounds amazing. It should be fun to watch :D (Crystal here btw!)

    Damn the Claire's brains! So many of my ideas! ... well ok, one, a novel/book of some kind! Maybe do Nano in November and actually complete it! And building something.

    How about busking for a day?

    Going without something for one day? like eletriity/communication device/voice/shoes ?

    Bake something (cookies/muffins) for everyone in your tutorial/in panto that represents what you think of EACH PERSON.

    Go to a retirement home and really listen to someone's story.

    And I'm done! Happy mediocrity fighting!

  8. zomg, Claire had some amazing ideas. I like the idea of participating in a charity event, but not just one, every charity event for a year that's held. I don't know what your fundraising abilities would be like towards the end of the year, but you would certainly have left a mark.

    A full on 24 hour warhammer tournament!!!!!!! that would be amazing...

    If I have any good ideas of my own I will let you know, but for now, good luck with your endeavour and I look forward to reading about it all next year :D

  9. And take your pantosibling on a friend-date, js.

    How about learning a new instrument? Going a week with no internet (vlogging aside)?

  10. Thanks, everyone, these are all some really great ideas! A couple have already gone on the list! Keep them coming :D

  11. Create a superhero, and feature he/she in a comic.

    Rent an animal costume and spend the day at the zoo.

    Browse the classifieds and ring every fifth person to ask about what they're selling. Buy at least three things.

    Roll down a grassy hill in a wheelie bin.

    Cook an ethnic meal you've never attempted before, for 25 of your closest friends.

    Buy (and plant) a tree with your girlfriend. (Do not let the love fern die.)

    Have a tv series marathon. (Dr Who, maybe)

    Read an entire shelf of books at the library.

    Organise and execute a flash mob. Film it.

    Make an ocarina.

    DIY paintball - take some friends into the bush with bags of balloons of paint, and start throwing.

    Go camping without a tent.

    Find and rent a tandem bicycle.

  12. ^Those are incredible.

  13. Film an 'art house' movie of at least ten minutes. Make sure you know exactly what it's about. Make sure no one else understands it.

    Run. Just start running and keep running until you can't run any more. We walk everywhere and we forget what it's like to run without running to get somewhere, like the bus, etc. I think the best would be to start at the top of the sand dunes on the beach and run down straight into the water; or start running down a grassy hill and let yourself trip, roll down the rest of it. Do it with friends or a dog, it's more fun.

    Learn a dance that not many people know. Dance it. In public. Even if it's just at a party.

    Interact with a community you don't usually, like going to a pub, restaurant or club that caters to a different social, economic or ethnic group than you.

    Go through your wardrobe and wear the clothes you never wear for a day.

    Get hold of all the photos of yourself you can find, look at how you've changed over your life.

    Take part in a protest for something you believe in.

    Go walking in a familiar place at night, or at a time you don't usually see it.

  14. Let someone take you to a gay bar.

  15. Go vegetarian for a week / month.

  16. Minimum of two hours a day, every day, in God's presence and in the Word. Getting to know God more intimately is more valuable than anything else we can do. It will be the hardest thing you can try to do, guaranteed, but unlike many things in this short life, it will endure forever and God will acknowledge that you did not waste your life in mediocrity, but instead pursued the ultimate calling of humanity. "Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." John 17:3

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.
