So here's the story.

I'm afraid of mediocrity. I'm afraid that if I don't do anything with my life, it'll be worth nothing. I don't need to change the world... but I need to change MY world.

In 2011, the year I turn 21, I'm setting out to achieve twenty one goals. Twenty one things that must be completed by 11:59 pm, December 31, 2011.

This is my journal.

This is the story of how I defeated mediocrity.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thoroughly Uninteresting

A week without a post. Has he given up, you ask?

No, it's just that over the last week there has been NOTHING INTERESTING to report.

Sad, I know. Mostly it's just been a lot of work as I hammer the hours during holidays, but I have made a bit of progress - through two volumes of HHGTTG with three to go, and I've had two motorcycle lessons which were quite scary but fun at the same time.

This week, however, promises to be considerably more interesting as I disappear on youth camp for a while - my camera will definitely be coming with!

This time next week I will have another video up, although the quality of its editing may be shoddy due to how exhausted I will be :P

See ya soon!


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