So here's the story.

I'm afraid of mediocrity. I'm afraid that if I don't do anything with my life, it'll be worth nothing. I don't need to change the world... but I need to change MY world.

In 2011, the year I turn 21, I'm setting out to achieve twenty one goals. Twenty one things that must be completed by 11:59 pm, December 31, 2011.

This is my journal.

This is the story of how I defeated mediocrity.

Friday, January 28, 2011

#03: Shouting, Singing, Swan Diving

Failure can be awesome, folks.



  1. I want to be annoyed with your derpiness Adam but it's just so endearing.

    I lol'd at the car wash section.
    I was mildly disappointed in you for not knowing all the Miley lyrics, and then I was seriously disappointed in myself for being at all disappointed in you for that.

    I liked the call-back about platinumiousness.

  2. Apparently the adjective of platinum is platinum. Although platinoid can mean "resembling platinum", or an alloy of various non-platinum metals.

    Adam you read 2/5ths of a book that is actually 5 books, that's not nothing!
